Wordpress.com vs. WordPress.org
Sabrina Davidson

Sabrina Davidson

WordPress.com Vs. WordPress.org

If you’re a total beginner and just getting started with WordPress, this is a great place to start. I’m sure you’ve seen WordPress and when you go to look for WordPress there are two different sites. There is WordPress.com and WordPress.org. So what’s the difference? Well I’m here to explain and give you the insight so you can choose which is best for you.

The major different between these two is who is actually hosting your website and what you want to do with your website.


With WordPress.org you host you own blog or website. WordPress.org is where you can download and install WordPress software to you own web server. I’ll have another blog coming soon comparing web hosting servers if you a little confused at this point. Just know WordPress.org is the “real version” software of WordPress and that you can have full control of your website and what you would like to do with it.


On the other hand is WordPress.com, it takes care of the hosting and is free to a point and is not a software download. That being said there are some limits with the free version of WordPress.com, you can always upgrade though depending on your budget.

There  is an info-graphic for WordPress.com and WordPress.org at the bottom with the quick facts for WordPress so make sure you check that out. 

Pro’s and Con’s of WordPress

Of course there are pro’s and con’s of each of these  depending on your needs.

Pro’s of WordPress.com include not paying for hosting, or managing a web server. Plus it’s quick and easy to get your blog or site up and running. It’s definitely one of the best places to get started working with WordPress and for blogging since it’s so fast.

A con of WordPress.com is that you domain will by default include WordPress.com. You also can’t upload any custom themes or plugins or modify the PHP coding backing your site. But if you would like to upgrade on WordPress.com you can if it fits in your budgeting.

Here are the pro’s and con’s of WordPress.org. This version opens up so much more control and flexibility for your site but that also means that you have more responsibility. Like self-hosting or picking a hosting server, buying a domain name, choosing and customizing themes or purchasing them, and editing code. I think that’s a pro and a con all together.

It really does depend on what you what to do and what your comfortable with. If you want to pay a designer for a custom site or your looking to make a simple blog. Both of these site have great options for both and can be customized to fit any budget.

Lastly, If you need help getting started digitally, are looking to get started with WordPress or just want to reach out check out my services and contact page.

Thanks for reading Tech Byte with Brina


WordPress,com vs. WordPress.org Which is better? . (2020, February 4). Retrieved from Wpbeginner: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/self-hosted-wordpress-org-vs-free-wordpress-com-infograph/

WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org . (n.d.). Retrieved from Ithemes: https://ithemes.com/tutorials/wordpress-com-vs-wordpress-org/


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